Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
What I learned in 6th grade is...
You can’t expect things to come to you. You have to go for it, and try new things. Stick up for your self. Bulling is wrong and we don't do that here. Responsibility is important in life. Independence is also important. Blue slips are not good to get!!! Sixth grade for me was a vary different year. There was a lot more independence, and a lot more DRAMA!!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
In 1933, the Jewish population of Europe stood at over nine million. Most European Jews lived in countries that Nazi Germany would occupy or influence during World War II. By 1945, the Germans and their collaborators killed nearly two out of every three European Jews as part of the "Final Solution," the Nazi policy to murder the Jews of Europe. Although Jews, whom the Nazis deemed a priority danger to Germany, were the primary victims of Nazi racism, other victims included some 200,000 Roma (Gypsies). At least 200,000 mentally or physically disabled patients, mainly Germans, living in institutional settings, were murdered in the so-called Euthanasia Program.
As Nazi tyranny spread across Europe, the Germans and their collaborators persecuted and murdered millions of other people. Between two and three million Soviet prisoners of war were murdered or died of starvation, disease, neglect, or maltreatment. The Germans targeted the non-Jewish Polish intelligentsia for killing, and deported millions of Polish and Soviet civilians for forced labor in Germany or in occupied Poland, where these individuals worked and often died under deplorable conditions. From the earliest years of the Nazi regime, German authorities persecuted homosexuals and others whose behavior did not match prescribed social norms. German police officials targeted thousands of political opponents (including Communists, Socialists, and trade unionists) and religious dissidents (such as Jehovah's Witnesses). Many of these individuals died as a result of incarceration and maltreatment.
As Nazi tyranny spread across Europe, the Germans and their collaborators persecuted and murdered millions of other people. Between two and three million Soviet prisoners of war were murdered or died of starvation, disease, neglect, or maltreatment. The Germans targeted the non-Jewish Polish intelligentsia for killing, and deported millions of Polish and Soviet civilians for forced labor in Germany or in occupied Poland, where these individuals worked and often died under deplorable conditions. From the earliest years of the Nazi regime, German authorities persecuted homosexuals and others whose behavior did not match prescribed social norms. German police officials targeted thousands of political opponents (including Communists, Socialists, and trade unionists) and religious dissidents (such as Jehovah's Witnesses). Many of these individuals died as a result of incarceration and maltreatment.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Text to text. My first connection is to the book House with No Name. I am connecting John and David. David and John both are little brothers with ADHD. Text to self I was helping a disabled kid before. I am more like Catharine because we both have little brothers. I have a little sister that doesn't fallow the rules, and I can't control her. I am the oldest to out of my brother and sister.
If I were to interview David I would ask him; Why don't you listen to your sister? He would say" because she bosses me around". Why do you put toys in the fish tank, when you know you'r not suppose to? He would say" because I want to decorate it"! Why do you like going to the video store? He would say" because I like to look at the ratings and comments on the videos"!
If I were to interview David I would ask him; Why don't you listen to your sister? He would say" because she bosses me around". Why do you put toys in the fish tank, when you know you'r not suppose to? He would say" because I want to decorate it"! Why do you like going to the video store? He would say" because I like to look at the ratings and comments on the videos"!
Friday, May 6, 2011
My favorite painting...
My favorite painting was the one with the trees. It was by Paul. I loved it's colors. It reminded me of when I was little, and I was at my grandma's house, and we were taking a walk back to our pond!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Examples of Acrostic Poetry!
Hockey is my favorite sport
On the ice or street
Cool and fun
Keep on playing
Exercise and stronger
You should try
Best friends
Do not exclude
Eat candy
A Easter bunny
Save candy
Take your time
Eat lots
Remember next year
On the ice or street
Cool and fun
Keep on playing
Exercise and stronger
You should try
Best friends
Do not exclude
Eat candy
A Easter bunny
Save candy
Take your time
Eat lots
Remember next year
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Usama Bin Laden Killed in Firefight With U.S. Special Ops Team in Pakistan.
Usama Bin Laden Killed in Firefight with U.S. Special Ops Team in Pakistan (source: Fox News).
The terrorist mastermind of 2001 was finally found. The Navy Seals found him deep inside The house was 100 yards from the gate of the
Officials said bin Laden’s body, which was in U.S. custody, was given a sea burial. Many U.S citizens truly believed that he deserved to die. I believe that he did need to get found and die, because he was behind all of deaths of all the U.S citizen's who had to suffer in the burning buildings.
In recent years, that hunt had increasingly led U.S. intelligence across the border and into Pakistan , where Al Qaeda is thought to be located.
I also speak for the people who lost their loved ones in the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 .
Monday, April 11, 2011
Esperanza Spring Break
If Esperanza was on spring break, she wouldn’t do much. Because she doesn’t have money to do anything fun. She would have to watch the baby’s, and do house work. Esperanza would be so board. She might spend time with the people she lives with around the camp fire.
My spring break was just like Esperanza’s. I watched my brother, I helped my mom and dad cleans our house, I went to a bonfire with my family. Except I was paid when I watched my little brother. I think my spring break was similar to Esperanza’s spring break. My family and I went some ware fun to.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wondering trip
I want to know why the field museum has a chocolate exhibit? I want to know ware the Ancient Americans lived? I wonder if Shedds Aqarium has jelly fish, sharks,or els.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Chicago fied trip
Shedds aquarium has lots of salt water fish. One thing I learned about it is that they want people to see another world of animals. I want to see a jellyfish; Shedds aquarium has lots of salt water fish. One thing I learned about it is that Shedds aquarium has lots of salt water fish. One thing I learned about it is that they want people to see another world of animals. I want to see a jellyfish, a sea turtle, and a shark. The Field Museum has old artifacts like a diamond exhibit, gold exhibit, and my favorite Sue the big dinosaur fossil. One thing I learned about this is it has three floors. I am looking forward to seeing Sue.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I think I am doing great in 6th grade. I use to have problems sense the last confrinse but not any more. I don't have to work on any thng. Mabey doing my home work when I get home from school instead at night.
I think Mrs.Tubergan is going to tell my parents that I have been doing good. That I have done a great job at getting all my homework done and in class work done.
The homework for me dosn't bother me. Only when it makes my bag super,super, super heavy. I think I have changed my back pack eight times this year.
That is how I think sixth grade is goind for me so far. :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):))))))))))))))))))))))))
I think Mrs.Tubergan is going to tell my parents that I have been doing good. That I have done a great job at getting all my homework done and in class work done.
The homework for me dosn't bother me. Only when it makes my bag super,super, super heavy. I think I have changed my back pack eight times this year.
That is how I think sixth grade is goind for me so far. :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):))))))))))))))))))))))))
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
have a heart
One day a little jack rabbit was playing his newest trick on a little fawn. His name was tricky. Hinds the name trick. Well the little fawn was just eating out of his little spot ware he goes every day with his mother. Tricky was trying to get Little Fawn’s his food plot. The Little fawn didn’t want to give him his food plot. But the rabbit told him he would give him a surprise. The Little Fawn took the deal. The rabbit gave him his surprise it was nothing. Little Fawn was tricked. The two dear went to go find a new food plot in shame. All the sudden a swan came up to the rabbit. She told him that you better change your ways or you will get a surprise. The rabbit was so greedy, mean, and cold hearted. He loved surprises. He said what I have to change. But before he could ask she was gone. But ware the swan was standing a note was in her place. He picked it up and read it. It said stop tricking animals out of their things, stop being mean to hopeless animals, and stop belong cold hearted. The rabbit didn’t care he just threw the note and went on eating out of his food plot. That night the rabbit herd sounds he got up and looked around. Out of no ware a flash of light hit him, and knocked him out. The next day when he woke up he felt funny. He felt warm hearted. He didn’t have the feeling to trick some one. He hated it but he couldn’t be mean. As the day went on he realized that it was probably better to be nice. He felt so good that he decided to call this day Valentines Day because the little fawn that he tricked his name was Valentine. Trickster’s new name was Careful. He found the little fawn and gave him and his mother back their food plot. That was the day the trickiest animal began loving.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Sorority Sister at Michigan University Claim They Are Being Stalked
Some sorority sisters at an Eastern Michingan University claim they are being stalked, When the sister saw a strange man looking at them threw their window, they thought they were in danger! One of the girls gave their identity away to someone. Campus police are helping but no strange things so far.
Opinion: I think that that the girls should of not gave out ware they lived to some one that they first meet. Beacause they could be in danger.
I got this from " http://www.foxnews.com/
Opinion: I think that that the girls should of not gave out ware they lived to some one that they first meet. Beacause they could be in danger.
I got this from " http://www.foxnews.com/
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Game Plan for 2010
My game plan for last year was to get As and Bs. And to try baskitball. I made my goal to get As and Bs. I also tryed baskitball. I loved it And I was really good at it.I hope I can reach my goal for 2011!:)
Game plan for 2011
My game plan for this year is to try new sports. I want to try softball,and vollyball. I want to try to get strait As. I also want to try to stop fighting with my little sister. We have been fighting for a while now. I am also going to try to keep my room clean for a long time.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Then and Now
I used to be short
But now I am tall
I used to be small
But now I am big
I used to be hipper
But now I am calm
I used to be stress free
But now I am stressed
I used to be bad
But now I am nice
I used to be cute
But now I am cuter
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Hi my name is John Quinn, and hares my story. "John wake up it's time to go". I wasn't quite sure ware we were going I wasn’t listing to my mom when she told my sister and I ware we were going. But I'm sure my sister did. She always does what she's told, she doesn't talk back to mom or my step dad, se doesn’t get in trouble at school. She is just a goodie, goodie gum drop it drives me nuts. I went into Elizabeth's room to ask her ware we were going to go. When I walked into her room she was packing i think she was packing for our trip. "Elizabeth ware is we going". She yelled "Didn't you listen to mom when she told us"? No. Figures Mumbled Elizabeth. "What is that suppose to mean". I said. "Any way we are going to Picks burg". "Mom had to pick a boring state". I went to my room and started packing. Before I new it I was on my way to my grandma’s house. Mom watch out for that little girl. John do not scream when I am driving! What girl did you see? Said Elizabeth. Yah what did you see? Said my mom. I saw a little girl standing right in the middle of the road! I( think he’s just crazy. Said my sister. Shut up gum drop! You, you, you. Stop fighting we are at grandma’s house. Mother how is you? Hello grandmother is you doing well repeated my sister. What’s up big G? I’m doing fine thanks for your concern. You now John I really missed you. Just the other… yah, yah wares the food. Inside in, the pantry. Ah! My mom, grandma, and sister ran in asking what’s wrong. I saw the little girl. Ware my mom yelled. Ah. Stop yelling my sister said. Now she’s braiding your hair! Ok that’s it. My mom picked up the phone and called the doctor and told him what I was seeing. The doctor told my mom to send me to the mental society. The next day my mom dropped me off to the society. But when I walked in it looked like it has been closed for years, and years. To be continued.
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